DragonSoul: Player Starting Information

This page is dedicated to "DragonSoul," which is a Homebrew Campaign Setting I'm been working on for a few years now. This campaign originally started out on D&D 3.0 but I've been typing up my hand written notes and converting then Pathfinder RPG. This endeavor is still a work in progress...I will continue to produce content.

  Character Creation Info

Ability Scores. Pathfinder standard Point Buy, 25-point "Epic Fantasy."

Starting Experience Points. This campaign experience progression will be "Medium" and each Player Character will start with 5,000 XP. That's enough to put your character at level 3.

Alignment Restrictions. Character can not start out as Evil unless the group collectively chooses to play an "Evil Campaign." In which case, character can not start out as Good. Neutral characters are always acceptable. Character's actions shifting their alignment later in game is also okay.    

Standard Campaign Races. The following race choices don't require GM approval:

Light-Bound: Elf (High/Sun Subrace,) Aasimar, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, and Gold/Silver/Bronze/Brass/Copper Dragonborn or Kobold.

Earth-Bound: Elf (Wood/Moon Subrace,) Oread, Ifrit Sylph, Undine, and Animalkin (Find Animal/Human Hybrid on list)

Light-Bound: Drow (Dark Subrace,) TieflingOrcHobgoblin, Nagaji,
and Red/Blue/Green/Black/White Dragonborn or Kobold.

Unbound: Human

Available Classes. All Paizo published classes are available and so are most third party classes but there maybe "DragonSoul Specific" changes that will have to be made. Please discuss all class choices with the GM before you start building your character. 

Background Traits. Pathfinder standard: two at character creation. All non-campaign/setting specific traits are available.

Divine Ability. At character creation, each Player may choice one Greater Deity to be worshiped by  their Character at the start of the campaign. It's Highly Suggested that you choice a Deity that matches your character's Divine affinity so they can  gain access to a "Granted Ability" of your choice offered by the Deity.

Humans gain any one Unbound ability of their choice.  

Starting Level. The campaign will use the "Medium" Experience Point scale. Each Player Character will start at level 3, which is 5,000 XP  

Starting Wealth.  Each Player Character will start with 2,000 gold to buy whatever they want. In addition, each player will gain a free house (Page 110 of the "Ultimate Campaign" book) located almost anywhere in the Holy City. A Player can choose  to upgrade this using the Ultimate Campaign guide or they can forgo it to gain an extra 1,000 GP. If the later option is chosen, the Player must rent an apartment or figure out other living arrangements with GM approval.

 The house is free but Players will be paying monthly "Cost of Living" which will be Average (10 gp/month) unless you chose to give up the house. However, living in the Holy City is expensive. A multiplier will be applied to the monthly cost based on which district your character lives in.

Contacts. Each Player will be randomly assigned two contacts at Character Creation that will tie into possible adventure hooks. Page 148 of "Ultimate Campaign" covers this optional feature. 

Connection With the Party. All the characters controlled by Players know each other. Your character has worked with the other PC in game to some degree as part of your character's history. How everyone is connected and the details of the group's past working relationship is up to you guys

Setting: "Myth Nantar," The Holy City

Means "City of Destinies" in Elven.

The Holy City is actually four cities in close proximity that grew into each other over time. The "old" or "inner city" is the true Holy City were the deities of light first touched down on the mortal world, as per religious doctrine. Although the Sun Elves officially clam dominion over Myth Nantar in truth it's actually run by many separate political entities. The Old City is controlled by the three Eldest Gold, Silver, and Bronze Dragons while the three outer cities are controlled by the Sun Elves, Dwarfs, and Aasimar respectively. The invisible line that divides the Holy City between the four primary governing bodies is often unclear and the matter of great debate. 

Below is a brief overview of the four cities.

1- Taoul Di Ro Mitne. "City of Eternal Light" in Draconic, it's the Central Hub of the Holy City. It's segregated by two encompassing walls and a series of gates. The outer wall separates the Old city from the new while the inner wall divides the city into six districts. Between the outer and inner walls are the 5 districtrs devoted to each of the Greater Dities and is named after there Metallic Dragon: Aurix (Gold,) Orn (Silver,) Aujir (Bronze,) Rach (Copper,) and Auraj (Brass.) These districts are controlled by the religious factions and are generally open to the public.   

The inner wall encloses the central district which is the Holiest place in the city. It houses the Grand Cathedral and only Metallic Dragons or clergy of the Light-Bound faith are allowed unrestricted access. Despite is small surface size, this district is the largest in "The CIty of Eternal Light" because of a massive series of catacombs that connects to the Cathedral. These subterranean caves serve as housing for the various Dragons, Dragonborn, and Kobolds that live in the Holy City.   

2- Urbar Migdhal. Dwarfen for "Trade Outpost," this city is located north of Taoul Di Ro Mitne. It's sole purpose is to trade Dwarf made goods and mined raw materials with the surface races. Urbar Migdhal is made up of two territories: the mountain stronghold which connections to the Dwarfs underground trade network which transports goods and the surface community where the trade is actually conducted. The Urbar Migdhal markets are open to anyone with coin but the mountain stronghold is off limits.

In Dwarfen society, trade with the over worlders is distasteful but an necessary. All Dwarf Clans and Countries profit from surface trade but none of them could bear the shame of operating Urbar Migdhal. Instead, the facility is run by the Clan-less Hill Dwarfs. 

 3- Ellesmere. Formally grand human city, Ellesmere is now a port town governed by Aasimar. The city is the primary trading port between the mainland and the various nations of the "Million Island Sea." Despite the city's booming trade industry, Ellesmere is a city in complete disrepair and widely considered to be sum. The Aasimar care little for the city itself because of it's blasphemous history so they spend the profits made from Ellesmere's port elsewhere. 

Ellesmere is the only part of Myth Nantar where slavery is legal and openly trafficked.  

4- Ithquant Okarthel (Placeholder Name.) Located south of Taoul Di Ro Mitne, Ithquant Okarthel is the capital city of the "High Elf Holy Kingdom." It's the largest of the four cities of Myth Nantar and arguably the most grand. The city is often spoken as the "Cultural Center of the Known World" because of it's art, beauty, and surreal elegance.

Means "Divine Home" in Elven. 

Possible Adventure: Recent Events


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