DragonSoul: Deities

Deities (2nd Generation) and Religious Organizations 

These deities reside in the Outer Planes and grant morals a small measure of their power in exchange for worship. However, they are mostly incapable of direct interaction and commutations with the physical world. Only Dragons can hear the will of the Gods so they serve as the Greater Deities emissaries. 

Cosmic Pantheon Greater Deities

The Dragon Deities of Good and Evil


“Golden Father”

In High Elven Society, the Nobility rules on behalf of the Golden Dragons. Each noble family has a line of Gold Dragons that they are responsible for caring for in exchange for the right to rule over their territory. The Dragon ensures that their associated family stays on the path of the righteous and that they do what's best for the general Elven People. They are also completely in change of the spiritual side of their family and directly command all clergy in that family's influence and all Gold Dragonkin/Kobolds. The Gold Dragon's themselves hand picks their Priests and Priestess from within their embedded nobility.

The Royalty of a Elven Kingdom is almost always the nobility family with the oldest line of Golden Dragons.  

Joining as a Follower: The Golden Father will accept all Light-Bound races as worshipers. Once a new worshiper officially joins the Church and they gain access to a racial ability of their choosing offered by the Golden Father (for PC, this is usually done with GM approval during character creation.) However, only Light-Bound races gain this benefit. This ability is considered Divine Supernatural ability and will not function anywhere where Arance/Divine is blocked, such as an anti-magic field. Also, this ability will be removed if the worshiper leaves the faith or if a Golden Dragon revokes their access to the Golden Father.

Joining as Clergy: In the Golden Father's faith, only High Elven Nobility can become Clerics. Gold Dragonkin and Kobolds are automatically entered into service of the nearest group of Good Dragon upon entering adulthood.

Divine Members Classes Available: Clerics, Paladins, and Oracles

Non-Divine Members Classes Available: N/A, all Clergy members must be Divine Casters or Dragon Born.

3x Deities Under His Leadership:

1- The Protector
Name: xxxxxx
Alignment: LG
Domains: Law, Protection, Glory, Fire
Weapon: Bastard Sword

2- Cultural Minster
Name: xxxx
Alignment: NG
Domains: Charm, Knowledge, Nobility, Sun
Weapon: Dueling Swords

2- The City Builder
Name: xxxxxx
Alignment: NG
Domains: Community, Artifice, Good, Earth
Weapon: Warhammer

“Silver General”

The Silver General's religious organization is a strict hierarchy that is part church and part military. There are three general sects that work together and share a common ranking system: Inquisitors, Knights, and Clerics. Within these sects, there are several orders. Each order has a senor Silver Dragon overall in charge, who in turn appoints a high ranking officer within the order to carry out his or her wishes. This individual is given the title of "commander;" becoming, for example: Knight Commander of the Sword. Each sect also has an elder Silver Dragon in change who appoints one of these commanders to serve as General. These three generals and elder Silver Dragon in turn take orders from the Oldest living Silver Dragon who is believe to be the closest to the Greater Deity himself. 

The clergy and warriors of "The Silver General" are often integrated into a country military but have little else to do with governments.

Joining as a Follower: The Silver General will accept all Light-Bound races as worshipers. Once a new worshiper officially joins the Church and they gain access to a racial ability of their choosing offered by the Silver General (for PC, this is usually done with GM approval during character creation.) However, only Light-Bound races gain this benefit. This ability is considered Divine Supernatural ability and will not function anywhere where Arance/Divine is blocked, such as an anti-magic field. Also, this ability will be removed if the worshiper leaves the faith or if a Silver Dragon revokes their access to the Golden Father.

Joining as Clergy: The church has strict recruitment policies. All females and non-elf or non-Aasimar races are no allowed to become full Knights, Inquisitors, or Clerics but can serve the faith in lesser roles. Furthermore, only adolescent males with a virtuous background and from a good family are accented to begin training. If accepted, they serve as pages and later squires. Becoming full Knights, Inquisitors, or Clerics upon reaching adulthood. Silver Dragonkin are entered into service at birth, spending all of their youth in training and their adult hood as Knights, Inquisitors, or Clerics. Other Silver Dragon subraces, such as kobolds, also enter the faith at birth but serve as lower clerical positions within the Church.  

Divine Members Classes Available: Clerics, Paladins, and Inquisitors

Non-Divine Members Classes Available: Fighters and Cavaliers 

3x Deities Under His Leadership:

1- The Inquisitor
Alignment: LG
Domains: Law, Good, Inquisitions

2- The Knight
Alignment: LG
Domains: War, Protection, Law, Glory, Nobility

2- The Battle Cleric
Alignment: LG
Domains: Good, Law

“Bronze Arbitrator”

In drawfen society, Bronze Dragons are both the spiritual leaders and the heads of state. The Dragons create laws, set policy, issue decrees, and pass judgment. All members of the Bronze Arbator's clergy serve as high ranking government officials and carryout various civil and religious duties. The Dragons and their clergy effectively run the centralized government of the drawfen nations but there power isn't absolute. Clan Leaders are in change of trade, crafts, member families, and localized civil functions.   

Currently, there are four Great Nations of Dwarves which are lead by a different Ancient Bronze Dragon. Each of these Dragons independently runs their country as they see fit. There is no overall leader of Dwarvesn society. However, the eldest Bronze Dragon takes a place of honor as one of the three rules of the Holy City of XXXXX. This Dragon is the unofficial respective of the dwarves’ to the world above.  

Joining as a Follower: The Bronze Arbitrator will accept all Light-Bound and Earth-Bound races as worshipers. Once a new worshiper officially joins the Church and they gain access to a racial ability of their choosing offered by the Greater Deity (for PC, this is usually done with GM approval during character creation.) However, only Light-Bound races gain this benefit. This ability is considered Divine Supernatural ability and will not function anywhere where Arance/Divine is blocked, such as an anti-magic field. Also, this ability will be removed if the worshiper leaves the faith or if a Bronze Dragon revokes their access to the Greater Deity.

Joining the Clergy: Any dwarf without a criminal record is eligible to become Clerics. Non-dwarfs Light-Bound races being accepted is rare but not unheard of. Bronze Dragonkin and Kobold are usually conscripted into governmental or religious roles upon entering adulthood. However, no advantages are granted to them because of their Dragon Ancestry in most of the Dwarfin nations. Bronze Dragon subraces have the choice to forgo serving the Bronze Dragons but doing so is effectively self imposed exile because they are unable to join a dwarf clans.

Divine Classes Available: Clerics, Paladins, and Inquisitors

Note: All law abiding  dwarfs belong to a clan. Dwarfs without a clan have very few rights in Drawfen Society. Being exiled from a clan or to be born outside a clan is the highest disgrace.  

2x Deities Under His Leadership:

1- The Arbitrator
Alignment: LG
Domains: Law, Protection, War,

2- The Grand Clan Master
Alignment: NG
Domains: Community, Artifice, Good, Earth

“Copper Artist”

Each Copper Dragon, regardless of age, is the leader of a separate sect of the Copper Artist. This Dragon has full control of the practices, rituals, and policies of his or her clergy and followers. Because of this, there are no standardized customs among the Faith. The same goes for Halfling governments. In Halfling lands, there are no centralized rulers or set of laws; only city states, independent villages, and roving bands of nomads. Because of this and the authority granted to individual Copper Dragons over their sects, each Dragon has the freedom to choose how involved they are in the government process. More often then not, they choose to not have any laws and set vague guidelines for their followers to adhere to.  

Joining as a Follower: There are no standard criteria because each Copper Dragon admits followers based only on their own personal desires, values, or amusement. Generally, all Light-Bound, Earth-Bound, and Unbound races are accepted as worshipers. Once a new worshiper officially joins a Copper Dragon's sect they gain access to a racial ability of their choosing offered by their new Greater Deity (for PC, this is usually done with GM approve during character creation.) However, only Light-Bound races gain this benefit. This ability is considered Divine Supernatural ability and will not function anywhere where Arance/Divine is blocked, such as an anti-magic field. Also, this ability will be removed if the worshiper leaves the faith or if a Copper Dragon revokes their access to the Greater Deity.

Joining the Clergy: Once again, there is no standard criteria. Each Copper Dragon choices their clergy from among their followers. Generally, any Light-Bound race is admitted but some Dragons take on Earth-Bound and Unbound races. Of course, these appointed will still be unable to use Light based Divine abilities. Copper Dragonkin and Kobolds are given the options wither to serve or not.

Divine Classes Available: Clerics, Oracles, Divine Bards

Non-Divine Classes Available: Any non-Lawful and Non-Evil.

4x Deities Under His Leadership:

"The Four Wives on of Copper Artist"

1- The Dancer
Alignment: CG

2- The Storyteller
Alignment: NG
Domains: xxxxxxxxxxxx

3- The Musician
Alignment: CG
Domains: xxxxxxxxxxxx

4- The Actress
Alignment: CG
Domains: xxxxxxxxxxxx

“Brass Pilgrim”

 The faith has no restrictions, anyone of any race, age, gender, or background can join. First they must perform the rite of redemption to purge their souls of past sins to become an initiate. Once their training is complete the member says their chosen vow or vows they become full members of the clergy. There are many vows that a potential Priest can choose to swear and adhere to. Each vow is a personal sacrifice and is based on the tenets of one of the Pilgrim’s Saints. The vows purpose is two fold:  to proof a member’s comment to the faith and to help the member stay on the righteous path.  A Priest who knowingly and willing transgresses against there vows or commits acts of evil could face excommunication. However, in most cases atonement is an option.

There are no ranks or true hierarchy in the Brass Pilgrim’s faith. All Priests have equal rank and are assigned duties befitting their skills and abilities. No one is really in charge, not even the Brass Dragons who serve as teachers and spiritual guides. All important decisions are made by a vote or general consensus. Also, there is no central leadership in the faith. Each Church or following has complete autonomy in their actions.

The faith takes no part in the government of any county. Places of Brass Pilgrim worships are considered sovereign religious grounds and are safe havens for all who take refuge within its walls.  

Joining as a Follower: The Brass Pilgrim will accept all Light-Bound, Earth-Bound, Unbounded, and even Shadow-Bound races as worshipers. Once a new worshiper officially joins the Church and they gain access to a racial ability of their choosing offered by the Greater Deity (for PC, this is usually done with GM approve during character creation.) However, only Light-Bound races gain this benefit. This ability is considered Divine Supernatural ability and will not function anywhere where Arance/Divine is blocked, such as an anti-magic field. Also, this ability will be removed if the worshiper leaves the faith or if a Copper Dragon revokes their access to the Greater Deity.

Joining the Clergy: All followers are eligible for membership, provide they complete the ritual of redemption. Of course, these appointed will still be unable to use Light based Divine abilities. Brass Dragonkin and Kobolds are always given the options wither to serve or not to serve.

Divine Classes Available: Clerics and Oracles mostly.

4x Deities Under His Leadership:

1- Saint of Forgiveness
Alignment: CG

2- Saint of Compassion
Alignment: NG
Domains: xxxxxxxxxxxx

3-Saint of Humility
Alignment: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Domains: xxxxxxxxxxxx

4- The Saint of Purity
Alignment: xxxxxxxxxxx
Domains: xxxxxxxxxxxx


The Holy City

Although it part of the XXXX Kingdom and is therefore rule by the XXXX nobility. The true rulers of the City of the Light are the three Dragons: The eldest Gold, Silver, and Bronze Dragons. These Dragons and their religious factions run the city directly. 




Material Pantheon Greater Deities
Deities of Nature and Balance

“The Three Goddess”

The Child, Madden, and Crone are not worshiped separately like the in the Faiths of the Dragon Deities. Instead, the Three Goddess share religious factions. These organizations follow one of the below Traditions which which worship each Goddess equally.     

Circle Tradition-  Circles are small, localized groups of priests and priestess (clerics, druids, oracles) devoted to a territory of wilderness or of a especially important natural wonder. They hold absolute authority within their chosen sacred grounds and are fully responsible for it's well being. Integrating peacefully within the natural environment, they serve as the care takers and protectors of their charges

Each circle is independent and has it's own internal leadership. According to this tradition, the burden of leadership is always divided between three senor members. The three circle leader are almost always females and they are each devoted to one of the three Goddess. Just like how the Three Goddess work together in nature, so do the three leaders of each circle.

In a circle, each member worships the three Goddess equally expect for the leaders. Upon section, a protective devotes themselves fully to a goddess. Each Goddess has one respective in each individual circle to ensure balance and harmony.

Shamanic Tradition- In many tribal societies, the burden of leadership is shared by a Clan Leader and a Clan Shaman.

Druidic Clan Tradition- xxxxxxxx

Elementalist Tradition-  xxxxxxxx

Council of the Earth and Moon- xxxxxxxx

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